Awareness Exercise: the 3 Brain Networks throughout the day [downloadable PDF].
Sep 10, 2024You may have heard about the Default Mode Network (often associated with meditation, but not only!), the Salience Network (the radar that intercepts danger, thus related to fear and anxiety), and the Central Executive Network (which helps us solve problems concretely).
These three crucial brain networks are gaining increasing attention in the fields of neuroscience and psychology. However, despite the growing awareness, many people are left wondering: what can I actually do with this knowledge?
That’s where we come in. In this new video, I explain a practical and easy way to start working with these networks through a simple self-evaluation exercise. You’ll learn how to identify when you’re in each mode – whether you're resting, scanning for potential problems, or actively managing situations – and how to bring more balance into your life.
This exercise will help you gain insight into how your brain functions throughout the day and give you actionable steps to reduce stress and improve well-being.
You can download the step-by-step handout to guide you through the exercise: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xJi62q22DUDleRFQ8pqLm30pKsRFyfld/view?usp=sharing
If you're interested in diving deeper into the fascinating world of brain networks and their practical applications – from psychological insights to mind-body integration and embodied approaches – you might want to explore our book or the Professional Master in Applied Integrative Sciences, where we offer more in-depth knowledge and techniques.
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